20 Beiträge
Am 12.09.2016 um 13:10 Uhr
Zum anfange entschuldige ich mich für mein schlechtes Deutsch und ich soll in Englisch zu sprechen:

For a week or two I am the proud owner of a MSX multistation.
I am using only midifiles on it to play on gigs.
These midifiles I make in cubase and transport them on the HD drive of the MSX.

Now I am using port midi out 1 for controlling to my keys and they are connected together with midi thru. This works fine, but now it comes:

I want to use midi port out 8 also to control the keys.

In the setup...player...Player Default Routing i have set it on the ports out 1 and 8.

But still there is only coming data form port midi out 1 and not the othe outs, even out 8!

What am i doing wrong here??
Can anyone help me?
20 Beiträge
 1268 1148
Am 14.09.2016 um 00:33 Uhr
Hi Klaus

Thanks for replying!
I get the point and knew this, but is it then also possible to first erase all files from de hdd then make the routing changes and then load them again into the miditemp?
213 Beiträge
 1309 1238
Am 13.09.2016 um 22:07 Uhr
Hi Adri-Jan,

Default-Routing is only for routing new files.
Existing files you have to route again:
Switch to the patch list by pressing the [PERF] key.
Click on song icon on icon line of patch list.
Click on the [edit routing] - now you have to route all existing MIDI tracks
of midifile to desired output or outputs.
You have to do this for each file.

Don't forget to save the patch list :)

Best regards
20 Beiträge
 1154 1108
Am 14.09.2016 um 14:17 Uhr
Hi Klaus

Again thank u. I will try this tonight.



213 Beiträge
 1140 1111
Am 14.09.2016 um 14:03 Uhr
Hi Adri-Jan,

if you create a new patch list and insert there new files, default routing should be taken.

Best regards
20 Beiträge
 1158 1150
Am 14.09.2016 um 07:47 Uhr
Because you've said that it's only for new files and not existing files?
20 Beiträge
 1130 1151
Am 15.09.2016 um 12:33 Uhr
Hi Klaus

You were right! I have deleted de files from the hdd, then set the default setting, then copied the files back and it worked!

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