Am 12.09.2016 um 13:10 Uhr
Zum anfange entschuldige ich mich für mein schlechtes Deutsch und ich soll in Englisch zu sprechen:
For a week or two I am the proud owner of a MSX multistation.
I am using only midifiles on it to play on gigs.
These midifiles I make in cubase and transport them on the HD drive of the MSX.
Now I am using port midi out 1 for controlling to my keys and they are connected together with midi thru. This works fine, but now it comes:
I want to use midi port out 8 also to control the keys.
In the setup...player...Player Default Routing i have set it on the ports out 1 and 8.
But still there is only coming data form port midi out 1 and not the othe outs, even out 8!
What am i doing wrong here??
Can anyone help me?