20 Beiträge
Am 04.08.2021 um 21:19 Uhr
I have a MSX multistation and wanted to install USB-file exchange program, that is presented here in downloads.
I have manged to install the software. But here it comes.
I can't find the new multistation symbol in "my computer".
When I connect the station and windows PC and switch on the station, the only messages I am getting is new app found and then app working fine.
But there is an issue with the driver, and can not connect the station.
So my question, can I download somewhere the right drivers for Windows 10 USB-FILE EXCHANGE program?
This way I can manually fix the driver problem.
20 Beiträge
 545 514
Am 31.08.2021 um 14:49 Uhr
Hi Klaus,

I have an old laptop with windows xp. And now the exchange is working with my MSX!
Thank you very much.

20 Beiträge
 523 510
Am 05.08.2021 um 07:46 Uhr
Thank you Klaus for your anwser. I am going to try that.

20 Beiträge
 504 503
Am 18.10.2021 um 12:33 Uhr
I have manged it with an old laptop with xp on it.
Thank you
214 Beiträge
 504 519
Am 04.08.2021 um 23:05 Uhr
Hi Adri-Jan,

USB-File Exchange unfortunately only runs without problems on Win XP. Updates are no longer available.
You can try to install Win XP in VirtualBox on Windows 10.

Best regards
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