215 Beiträge
Am 09.08.2019 um 10:27 Uhr
Hi Jihem,

sorry for the delay, we moved to new premises.
Translation in english is in progress, but will take some time to complete.

Currently the MPS is only available in german language.

Best regards
1 Beitrag
Am 28.06.2019 um 01:50 Uhr
As a frenc musician, I've been using a Multistation MSX for years, but it's now getting old and is rebooting with no reason, so I'm looking for a replacement tool. The MP-S seems an interesting solution, as it can load Multistation Patch files, but that's all I understood, because I can't speak german...
Is this software translated in other languages, as least english ? The options in the demo version are showing a language selector, but no other language than german appears in the scrolling menu. Are other languages available in the full version ?
Best regards,
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